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Climate-Smart Agriculture webinar series

10:00 am EST / 15:00 am ECT

by The Caribbean Regional PPCR

Over the 5 weeks of this webinar series, speakers will engage attendees on Climate-Smart Agriculture. Join us to learn more.

About this event


Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is one of the approaches to mitigate or adapt to, Climate Change. The Climate-Smart Agriculture Compliant (C-SAC) tool can be used for certification, auditing and/or training with respect to comprehensive climate-smart agriculture. It is a Trademarked, commercially valid, mechanism for determining the degree of Climate-Smart Agriculture compliance, inherent in projects, processes, and products. The tool, which is based on five categories of compliance, provides a structured methodology for comprehensive CSA training.


The categories of compliance examined in the C-SAC method are Resource conservation; Energy use; Safety; Biodiversity support; and Greenhouse gas reduction.


These five components will be used as pillars to structure the content to be delivered throughout this webinar.


The main aim of this CSA Webinar is to equip our attendees from around the Caribbean with a true understanding of CSA.


The Planning Committee will use specialists from around the region to explore fundamental principles and applications of each component of CSA-C.




The webinar will be based on the five components of Climate Smart Agriculture Compliance (C-SAC)

– Resource conservation

– Energy Use

– Safety

– Biodiversity Support

– Greenhouse Gas Reduction and will include the following core topics/areas:

– Introduction to Climate-Smart Agriculture

– Soil and Water Management

– Irrigation Management

– Cropping Systems – Root and tuber crops, hot pepper, and vegetables

– Post-Harvest Production Technology

– Integrated Pest Management

– Risk Management

Para participar de todos os eventos do webinar clique aqui.  Senha: cswebinar


The event is finished.


jul 28 2021


10:00 am - 11:30 am



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